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Countdown to moving


Once you’ve found your dream home, had an offer accepted and reached your exchange date the countdown to moving truly begins.  The idea is lovely, unpacking your things and filling your house with everything that will make it your home. The reality is that while moving house is exciting and something to look forward to, it is often cited as one of the most stressful ordeals (yes, ordeals!).

So what can you do to alleviate the stress and pave the way for a smooth transition from house to home? Take a step back, breathe and remember that with the right perspective and some preparation, the relocation process can be made easy. Here are our top tips on the best strategy for moving home:

Write a list
Lists! The importance of a good list cannot be stressed enough. Create a checklist with everything you need to do in the run up to the big day.  Think about deliveries and bills that need cancelling or moving over to your new property, arranging start/stop dates for utilities, changing address details on your accounts and so on.  You can also research removal companies so you have one in place, ready for your big move.


Purge the Clutter
Staying in any one place for a long period of time results in the accumulation of more ‘keepsakes’ than you can imagine - we are all, to a degree, hoarders. Don’t fear a clear out. Take unwanted items to your nearest charity shop or sell them on ebay or gumtree - just think, the money you make could help go towards essentials for your new place, like an indoor slide to enhance your mornings.

Strategic Packing
Make it your aim to accumulate various size boxes ready for packing. Think small sturdy boxes for weighty items and big boxes for your lighter, larger possessions - this will make lifting easier and help avoid injury. 

For the most effective packing, move through your home room-by-room starting with those you use the least. Leave behind a path of expertly packed, labelled boxes. Labels are key! It means unpacking will be far less stressful as boxes will be delivered to the rooms they belong in.

Get busy in the kitchen
Now we don’t mean cooking up a feast but make sure you finish any food you want to eat from the fridge and freezer.  It would be a good idea to defrost the freezer a few days before your big move – so it’s as ready to go as you are. Ensure you seal any packets, bottles or jars you plan to take with you to avoid spillage on your journey.

Moving Day Survival Kit
The big day has arrived, every box is labelled, sealed and soon to be delivered to your new home; one last thing to have at hand is your moving day survival kit. This should contain everything that you need to get through moving day in one piece: phone chargers, toiletries, snacks, water, a spare change of clothes, the kettle for a cuppa and anything else you feel necessary. Most importantly, don’t forget a bottle of bubbly to celebrate once those boxes are delivered and you’re safely in your new home.

And remember
It may take some time to adjust. Unpacking is arduous and finding the right place for your belongings is a process in itself. Don’t forget to ask for help when needed – friends and family are great resources; you can offer to repay them with a house warming invite.

All that is left to say is good luck and happy moving!

For more advice on your move, download our free guide here.

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